Workshop and demonstrator Brightlands SSC & Zuyd University of Applied Sciences | Heerlen (NL) | July 7, 2022
Do your customers expect an ever faster delivery time? Is the workload for your staff too high? Are you stuck with stock for too long? Do you want to achieve higher customer and employee satisfaction in addition to a lower cost price? Quick Response Manufacturing 4.0 (QRM4.0) can be a solution for your company.
On Thursday July 7, 2022, Zuyd University of Applied Sciences (lectorate Data Intelligence and professorship Employability) and Brightlands Smart Services Campus are organizing a workshop and demonstrator aimed at shortening the lead time especially for Limburg SMEs. Check out the program on the website of project partner Brightlands Smart Services Campus. There you also will find the registration link.
The workshop will be held in Dutch. Hope to see you on July, 7 in Heerlen!