IT Providers
Production Planning and Control Software
The following companies offer products that incorporate QRM planning and control concepts like POLCA. Their products are well suited to analyse lead times and create MCT-maps.
IT Providers in Production Planning and Control Software:
Digital Workinstructions
Digital workinstructions improve the training process in companies and make it easier to crosstrain operators. Crosstraining is a key tactic to reduce lead times. Crosstraining makes your capacity more flexible which directly reduces the waiting times for your customers. Crosstraining can reduce the handovers which add waiting times to the process. Crosstraining helps employees to see improvement possibilities as they better understand the whole production process. Finally, crosstraining enables employees to better cooperate together and feel responsible for the work of the whole team.
IT Providers in Digital Workinstructions:

Product configurator software
Product configurators guide users in selecting the options of a customized product. Product configurators prevent missing information and the creation of ‘impossible’ orders which eliminates unnecessary iterations and rework in the administrative flow. Product configurator software further reduces the office lead time by automating a large part of the administrative work (like making quotes, creating bill of materials, routings,… ).
IT Providers of product configurators:
IT integration
The integration of different software solutions allows companies to speed up the information flow and shorten the lead time. For example, by integrating a product configurator with an ERP-system and a CAD/CAM system, it becomes possible to eliminate countless handovers between different departments and automatically generate the needed information. As a result everyone in the company can directly access the right and up to date information.
IT Integrators