Innovation Leader visit De Cromvoirtse, Oisterwijk | April 18, 2023

De Cromvoirtse has been working for a long time with far-reaching digitization and automation around the supply of metal in sheet and custom profile, with now 2 branches, in Oisterwijk and in Nuth. The digitization/automation ranges from the web portal through production and logistics to billing. Ronnie van den Hurk and JanwillemVerschuuren, partners in the company, are happy to share their vision and experiences on how they got this far and what it involves in terms of people, information/organization and equipment. Both the do’s and the don’ts will be discussed.
14.00h: Reception
14.30h: Guided tour
15.30h: Company presentation and experiences with digitization/automation
16.00h: Discussion
16.45h: Closing/Drinks
We hope to see you there.