The challenge | Increase in product variants
Provan was looking for an alternative production method that would enable it to manufacture and deliver its stoves as quickly as possible. A batch production of 60 sets used to take around four weeks. However, faced with an increase in the number of product variants, Provan feared that the method it was using would pose problems in terms of lead times and available warehouse space.
The solution | Quick Response Manufacturing
Provan learned all about Quick Response Manufacturing at a QRM information session and master class given by Sirris. This production strategy aims to drastically reduce lead times and was designed specifically for small product series with a large number of variants – perfect for Provan’s needs! The manufacturer therefore decided to set up its own QRM cell.
Provan physically placed together in the cell all of the machinery required for making its various stove models. Visual elements such as coloured flags on the transport carts help the workers to keep an overview of what is going on. The numbers on the flags indicate the order of the processing steps, so that different operations can follow one another in rapid succession.
The result | 85% faster with new workflow
The switch to a single production cell means that transport on the shop floor is reduced and products can now be made in batches of 15 sets. The lead time per set has decreased by a massive 85%, from between 3.5 and 4 weeks to just three days. The packing process is now twice as fast and delivery can take place within the desired three weeks. What’s more, the smooth workflow means that there is no need to keep large stocks of parts, thus freeing up 600 m2 of storage space.
In addition, the new workflow is completely ‘self-managing’: the employees themselves determine the process, which means they automatically feel more involved. Detailed planning and extra management are unnecessary. Last but not least, the quality of the products has improved, and the company continues to adjust and streamline its QRM approach on an ongoing basis.